Summary of Pupil Perfomance

Each child in the school has progress measured against their previous learning so that it is meaningful and individualised. 


Progress at Rachel Madock’s is measured using Evidence for Learning (EfL). Through this we are able to measure small steps of progress through the Land, Treetop and Horizon curriculum pathways which are also available to read on our website under Curriculum.


Daily recording is undertaken for progress of EHC Plan targets which is fed into the annual review with parents, and we also have a summer report which gives a summary of the child’s achievements over the academic year. 


Termly pupil progress meetings are undertaken with department leads to ensure quality teaching and learning. Case studies of what learning looks like in different areas of the school in reading have been created, and there are opportunities for moderation of levels throughout the year to ensure consistency. This will be further extended into writing and maths case studies in due course. 


By September 2024 we will have INSIGHT which is a data tool linked to EfL to produce progress data in a visual format for parents and carers.